The same spirit and obvious love and respect!
24 April 2017
I had to write my first review on here to let anyone out there who was a fan of the original MST3K that they have little to worry about. The return was actually a little more than I was expecting! The jokes a bit more quick fire than before, which with today's attention span helps with those who thought the original was too slow. Now, I'm obviously biased with this one seeing as how I'm from Minnesota and grew up watching the show since it was a small local network show when I was like 8 up to it's end the year I graduated high school. To my amazement, I cried shortly after I started the first episode and had to pause it until I could return to a less emotional state of happiness before continuing.

I also strongly believe that this show is very important in these times we're currently living in too. (It's 2017 and if you're reading this in the future, I hope hope hope things got better because everything seems to be going wrong right now) and this show is one of the few heart filled good times for the whole family where you can sit back and enjoy some time in front of the TV with some family, friends or just Jonah, Tom Servo, Crow, Cambot, Gypsy and the Mads. And it's super easy to go back to the originals anytime if you wish, just look for it and you shall find. Keep circulating the tapes to those who know what that mean! :)
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