Truth in advertising
24 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Plot; Cocaine smuggling ninjas battle a rock band of taekwondo masters in the neon-soaked streets of Miami.

Nothing quite says "80s" like ninjas and cocaine, but rarely do we get them both together in the same film. Miami Connection is notorious for being one of the best "So bad it's good" films of all-time. Unearthed by the folks at Alamo Draft House in '09, it's since been restored and released to the public to many laughs and genuine critical acclaim.

The amateurish production values and cringe-worthy acting certainly make Miami Connection a hoot to watch, but what makes it sing is that at its core beats a sincerely earnest heart. On one side you have cocaine and ninjas and nonstop martial arts action with doses of gratuitous nudity thrown in for good measure, and then on the other you have this infectious enthusiasm from all involved that gives the entire affair a likability often absent in the genre.

This is by no means great cinema, but it makes a promise of cocaine, rock 'n roll and ninjas and delivers in spades.
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