The perfect reboot with extra cheese.
23 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's a loner nerds paradise. A wonderful blend of insanity and mockery. The show is a great mix of old and the right amount of new.

Cheesy jokes, casual banter between friends and poking fun at the hard work of others. It's not just about the bad movies; it's about the fun times that you can have with a few robot friends while being trapped on a floating rock. There's a little for everyone, but enough for no one. It feels like the show never left. The whole cast shines if you're willing to look. Not one episode stands out as the best on its own, but the season together captures the glory days and leaves you wanting more.

Not only is it about the movies and friends, but it has a mini episode of sketches and story to aid the main content. Patton Oswalt, Felicia Day and Jonah Ray nail the parts and make the whole experience legendary. There are tons of throwbacks to the originals and a lot of cameo's to go along with the variety of movies.

You'd be cheating yourself by not watching at least a few episodes.

If you don't like it, that's on me. However, give it a chance and let it sink in.

You can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a bull's ass, but you'd better take a butcher's word for it.

10/10. I'm glad it's back and hope there's more to come.
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