Great Visuals But Bland Story
23 April 2017
Night Has a Thousand Desires (1984)

** (out of 4)

Irina (Lina Romay) and Fabian (Daniel Katz) are working as mediums and making a pretty good living at it. Before long Irina starts having horrible nightmares and soon she thinks that her dreams might actually be happening and she could be murdering men.

MIL SEXOS TIENE LA NOCHE is known under several different titles but it's basically a remake of two previous Jess Franco movies. I really wasn't a fan of Franco's NIGHTMARES COME AT NIGHT or VOODOO PASSION and I'm not really a fan of this third version either. Out of the three versions I think this one here is the best as there are plenty of good things about this picture but in the end it just didn't really keep me entertained.

Many have called in a drug orgy and that's a pretty good way to look at it. This film was made in 1984 but it certainly looks like something that would have been released in the late 60s because there's a lot of psychedelic moments and there's no question that it appears to be someone suffering from a drug high. I really thought that visually this was one of the director's most impressive films. The cinematography is extremely good and it's clear that a lot of thoughts went into the images, the music selection and especially the editing.

I thought Romay turned in a pretty good performance as the woman who is slowly falling apart not knowing what is real and what is reality. The screenplay is mainly visuals so there wasn't a need for a "performance" but Romay was good. The supporting cast isn't nearly as interesting thought. Those looking more more graphic sex or nudity will be disappointed. Yes, there's a lot of nudity from Romay but it's not really the main focus of the picture.

The biggest problem I had with the film is that it just didn't really draw me into it. If you can get caught up int he visuals then you'll probably enjoy the noir/mystery that is going on a bit more than I did. To me the film just didn't work nearly as well as it could have. Everything is there on a technical level but the story just doesn't work.
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