20 April 2017
This short animation film tells the story of a secret experiment in Jurassic World theme park, where they secretly conduct experiments to make hybrid dinosaurs. A dinosaur goes crazy and starts attacking humans, and the park staff have to wage a battle to stop the dinosaurs from creating havoc.

"LEGO Jurassic World: The Indominus Escape" appears to be rather close to the 2015 film "Jurassic World", as the Lego characters in this film are easily recognisable from the film. This animation offers a lot of fun, jokes and adventure. The hotdog jokes are quite funny, and who would have thought the dinosaur would have a physical reaction after the line of hotdogs? There are quite a few dangerous situations, but not excessively scary for kids. Though the animation is clearly aimed at young children, I thought it was fun to kill time with.
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