The latest new eposisode of the classic series.
19 April 2017
I'm a huge fan - both both this, and Star Trek phase II, The Voyage Continues.

I was initially wary of not 1, but, 2 fan-made series being of such high quality, but, this gang has happily corrected me.

Vig Mignona - the 'hyphenate' at the helm here (he's Kirk, and creator, and producer - you name it) does a terrific job of being a scene-chewer all of his own. If William Shatner's seen this, I'm certain he'd be proud, and laugh.

The crew here is terrific - some faces will be familiar - such as Sulu, is Grant Imahara of Mythbusters, and usually the guest stars are quite a pleasant surprise - here, the lovely Tory Foster, from the fantabulous Battlestar Galactica - is onoard, for this episode, as Kirk's flame, and the scientist, who help unravel the mystery of the plot.

Kepping it short; everyone involved - both in front of, and behind the camera - is here, because they love Star Trek, and they all deserve applaud, for making this series as high calibre, as it is.

Several episodes - such as this one - are tied to the original series - be it, a 'part 2', or, in this case, an...'alternate' to what was offered elsewhere.

A few months ago, I was saddened, when I read that CBS - the holder of © for Star Trek - had said they'd allow the fan shows to continue - but, they couldn't be more than 30 minutes, they couldn't contain any crew members, nor could they tell stories which reflect back on anything we loved.

I hoped then - and still am - that I heard it wrong. If I hadn't, I don't know how many more of these wonderful episodes, because, personally, I really dislike the latest 'alternate time-lime' films (not the cast - I hate the ship - BLECH! - and the stories), and this series and it's counter-part keep me - and many others -very happy.

I want Vic Mignogna & crew to have a continued, long mission.
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