Review of 3 Idiots

3 Idiots (2017)
"Let's do it all over again, but worst"
14 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers

Here we go... I saw the original movie last week and it was AMAZING, from the script to the actors and production team. That was a really good movie that caught my attention and actually touched my heart and made me think about what I really wanted to do with my life.

Now... in THIS VERSION (Mexican remake) it looks like these people just took a look at the perfect script and sad "Let's do it all over again, but FREAKING WORST". This movie is AWWWFULL with the exception of some very good camera shots and maybe only ONE good joke. So the "writers" omitted EVERY SINGLE SCENE that makes this movie have sense and connect with the audience. They took away the explanation of why is the pen so important for the principal of the institute (A simple screw because of a death wife... please). They also omitted the explanation of the MOST important line of the movie "All izz well". This movie lacks originality, is a failed attempt to make this movie more "Mexican- like" and so it has to appeal to the last resource of a super boring movie "FART JOKES". The camera shots are just fine despite the fact that the movie appeals to shots of Martha Higareda's butt and boobs (no offense intended). Also in the job interview of "Felipe", the real tension comes from the fact that he is in a wheelchair and the camera centers the actors face instead and "Felipe" gets MAD instead of HUMBLE AND UNDERSTANDING. I REALLY WANTED TO BE SUPPORTIVE OF Mexican CINEMA. BUT THIS MOVIE AS MANY OTHERS FAILED AN ATTEMPT OF BEING AT LEAST GOOD. IT WAS REALLY HARD TO WATCH A VERY GOOD MOVIE (THE ORIGINAL) TURNED INTO AN AWFUL MOVIE.
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