Man Vs. (2015)
Hey, a well-made Canadian horror movie.
16 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Man Vs. is a Canadian horror movie that incorporates elements of found footage. It does this via its plot: Chris Diamantopoulos, who played Moe in the 2012 version of The Three Stooges (oh baby) has a reality TV show like Bear Grill-is-us (never seen it and can't be bothered to look up the actual spelling). He treks out into the wilderness and videos himself scraping the soot off of tree bark to use as toilet paper, foraging for nuts and berries, and hunting wascally wabbits. By and by he realizes that he's not alone in the woods and all that soot-scraping will not go to waste.

It's a good movie except for its creature effects, which are CG. Have we learned nothing from Predator, you fools?! Makeup and animatronics always beat CG, always! (Whaps film with cane.) But the creature doesn't show up so often, so I guess it's kind of okay. Man Vs. is laptop-viewing quality on an insomnia night, yknowwhatimsayin? And it's Canadian, so ding-ding-ding A+ dood!
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