Ghost Recon: Wildlands (2017 Video Game)
The Ubi-Grind-Formula strikes again!
13 April 2017
The Ubisoft sandbox design finally stared to wear me down last year and this former tactical shooter franchise now got hit with it too. To a degree that I can't even recognize the series anymore! I have no problems with the barley there narrative (the ending is a huge middle finger btw), it's a Tom Clancy game after all, but can anyone name me even one thing that makes this game "special"? The shoehorned in skill tree frankly breaks the do-it-your-way design as you need to grind your way to a good character build and gameplay variety is near nonexistent. Especially if I consider that the main missions play just like the utterly interchangeable side-quests. I wasn't crazy about The Division or Just Cause 3 but these at least had elements that made then unique. What does Wildlands offer? The facts that most of your in game time will be spend driving or flying to your next objective? I can see a certain appeal to the 4 player co-op but who has 3 dedicated friends on standby? Back to the drawing board Ubisoft as this one is a nice looking washout.

Edit: The sequel is even worse and finally flopped with everyone. I think we are done here.
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