The Void (I) (2016)
Bunch of side stories thrown into one and never explained.
11 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead. None of the plots are ever explained. Why was the first couple in the farm house being hunted by the 2 men? Why couldn't one of those men talk? He was silent the entire film and it never said why. They set the girl on fire? What did she ever do? The guy said he went there just to do some drugs so that made no sense. Why was the cop car moved away from the hospital by an extra 100 feet? He still had the keys on him. The cop chopped up his wife with an ax then it shows him in his same cop uniform while she changed clothes holding his hand in the end. Never shown what happened to the Doctor once he entered the void. Why did anyone else need to go into the basement besides the cop looking for his wife? The Asian girl who stayed up top was the only smart one.
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