American Crime Story: Manna from Heaven (2016)
Season 1, Episode 9
Flippin' Fuhrman, man . . .
5 April 2017
No more attention on the jury this week; in fact, I'm pretty sure they're completely absent. No, this is a war fought entirely between prosecution and defense. Tensions come to a head between all parties: Darden and Clark, amongst the Dream Team, inside Garcetti's office, and especially - especially - between Darden and Cochran; that face-off has been brewing for ages.

This is a story that's completely unpredictable. The defense is (once again) able to distract focus from the defendant and onto Mark Fuhrman, a man who's unequivocally screwed the prosecution's case and even makes Ito a pivotal character (now there's a plot twist).

For me, this is the show at its best. The performances are great all around, the story's as absorbing as it gets, and the stakes are sky-high. It is a powder keg. I don't think I was ever as interested in the actual trial (or news coverage) as I am about this show.

And here's the kicker: once Fuhrman actually takes the stand, the scumbag delivers the episode's biggest bombshell, and never even utters an epithet. Geez, what an ending.

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