The Simpsons: The Caper Chase (2017)
Season 28, Episode 19
Pros And Cons Of Caper Chase
2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pro: 1. The X-Men couch gag was fine. My one complaint is they should have done it for "Camp Krustier" so it would have been the weekend of the release of "Logan".

2. The one good thing about the company baseball scene was Bart's comment about Homer still running to 2nd base after 5 minutes.

3. 2 of my favorite things from my childhood are Seinfeld and Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame so you can imagine how delighted I was to hear Jason Alexander was appearing on the show. I don't feel he really got any good lines but just the fact they got Jason Alexander is freakin' awesome. Nice to see Alexander and Dan Castellaneta reunited 2 decades after their days on "Aladdin The Animated Series". Let us not forget the Duckman episode where Homer Simpson recited that show's immortal line "What The H--- Are You Starin' At?".

4. I loved the joke about Homer causing Lisa's hair to curl in nervousness. Even better was the following moment where Bart as "the good child" complains directly to the audience about Lisa's drunken antics.

5. Definitely the best scene in the classroom is Clancy Wiggum's miserable attempt at being an undercover narc.

6. I laughed out loud at Lenny giving his professor's cap credit for ending Apartheid.

7. Glad to see Homer in a dress. As Burns stated in the episode with the Red Hat Ladies, Homer is buxom and flirty. And it gives me an excuse to make the following statement: Ah Ah Dude Look Like A Lady... Ah Ah Dude Look Like A Lady...

8. Glad to hear Lisa is going to Yale. The farther she gets from Syracuse, the better off Syracuse is.

9. Thanks Screenwriter Guy. I 'm glad I'm not the only one who usually hates this show's final pre-closing-credits scene. I did enjoy the end of the closing credits when Burns sicked the hounds on the annoying choir singers

10. Best Line Skull & Bones Doorman: Living Or Dead? Burns: Living but you'd better hurry.

Cons 1. I pretty much hated all scenes at Yale. All that poking fun at Liberal schools was not fun for me. To be far, I went to a Division III school so going to a top-notch school like Yale is nothing I would know about.

2. I laughed at the "Dead Poet's Society" joke in the episode where Edna Krabapple is nominated for Nation Teacher Of The Year but after Robin Williams' death this episode's "Dead Poet Society" joke was just in very poor taste.

3. Speaking of poor taste, I did not appreciate the joke about Moe confusing pedagogue with another word.

4. It's not true that this episode has Lisa's first slurred words. She got drunk in the "Italian Bob" episode (which, coincidentally, also referenced Trump). I believe she also acted drunk in "Burns And The Bees" when she drowned her sorrows with Root Beer.

5. Yale has a sign naming it "The Harvard Of Connecticut"?. Since when has Captain Obvious been making signs?
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