Skyrunners (2009 TV Movie)
Garbage plot line, cheesy action
1 April 2017
I saw this movie when it came out in 2009. At the time I was only 11 years old and did not notice anything wrong with the movie, but I watched again the other day (I'm 19 now) and boy, it was terrible. Like other people on here, I have similar feelings about this movie:

The movie has very cheesy acting and I feel that we are kind of just thrown into those two brothers lives. We are watching two kids go to high school and then have to deal with an alien problem at home. The mother in the movie is extremely inept, like to an extreme level that it becomes so unrealistic. Also, we are thrown into the brothers' high school lives and we have to deal with that cheesy situation for the whole movie. I noticed we just get a lot of exposition thrown at us for no reason. Like when the older brother is asked about a science project last minute. Also, the stereotypical high school scene is overly-stereotypical. We have the cliché nerd vs. bully argument, but this movie overly exaggerated the argument to attempt to have it relate to the alien crisis the boys were dealing with. Also I noticed the actual conflict in the movie was resolved in about 5 minutes, if that, which is a load of crap. We do not get a good look at the alien base and the whole movie was put together poorly.
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