The show's best character gets her turn in the hot seat
31 March 2017
Pretty sure this episode is why Sarah Paulson won an Emmy. And I can see why. She wrings plenty of sympathy out of Marcia Clark as a professional who wasn't ready to be set upon by the paparazzi. The woman simply cannot win, not as a working mother, a shark in the courtroom, or as a dartboard for the media. This is a man's world, and even the most playful of jabs are just catty. It's a fascinating character study.

It's also exceedingly dramatic - primarily in the camera-work - where everything's over-the-top zooms and whip-pans (Ryan Murphy loves this). Nuance is nowhere to be found, but that's partially why it's so entertaining. The deck is formidably stacked against Clark, but when she gets her licks in, those little moments are tremendously satisfying. You just wish she could have more of them.

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