Below Average Durango Kid Oater!
29 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Blazing Across the Pecos" starts out promisingly enough with an Indian attack on a trading post but soon gives way to its small budget and aging villains.

Mayor Ace Brockway (Charles Wilson) is trying to drive rival Matt Carter (Thomas Jackson) out of business by having his trading post attacked by Chief Bear Claw (Chief Thundercloud). The Chief is being supplied with rifles by Brockway. The Durango Kid (Charles Starrett) discovers a hidden Indian costume and a saddle ornament discarded by Brockway henchman Buckshot Thomas (Jack Ingram). Durango you see is trying to discover who is behind the raids.

Later as Steve Blake, he manages to get appointed Deputy Sheriff under that fearless lawman Smiley Burnette and begins to investigate. Blake manages to foil assassination attempts by such fearless killers as Gunsmoke Ballard (Frank McCarroll). As Durango, he gains the support of newspaper editor Jim Traynor (Paul Campbell) and Carter's daughter Lola (Patricia White). The army buys up Carter's cattle for $20K which allows him to pay for much needed supplies for the settlers. Brockway gets Bear Claw to attack the supply train in return for 100 rifles, however the rifles are taken by Durango and.......................

This film owes most of it's action sequences to stock footage first the attack on the fort then the raid of the supply train and lastly a cattle stampede. There are no fist fights other than the one in silhouette in the saloon between Starrett and Ingram. And the ending...no chase and no shoot out, what a disappointment. The supporting cast is below average. I can't say that I've ever heard of Charles Wilson or Frank McCarroll both who were too old for their parts.

Patricia White later became Patricia Barry and went on to a lengthy career in both movies and television. Jock (Jack) Mahoney who doubled Starrett as the Durango Kid in the action scenes (of which there are few), gets to play a small role in the film. Musical group Red Arnell and The Western Aces liven things up with a couple of numbers as does Burnette complete with his frog voice.

And look out Durango, Gene Autry is on his way to the studio to eat up even more of your budgets.
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