Max Rose (2013)
The Schmuck Returns
27 March 2017
Jerry Lewis was cast in this slobbering bore-fest about an old geezer whom has recently lost his wife.

The most sore-thumb quality about this tripe is the fact that it has no point except to prop up Lewis as a kindly old load whom we're supposed to find irresistible..... I did not. Hopefully this will be his swan song as an actor (by the way, he was NEVER an actor).

Lewis was a comedian, nothing more -- and even then, he was funny only when he was funny, which wasn't very often. His pathetic films (especially the ones he directed) have proved that.

If nothing else, Lewis' movies over the years (most notably in the 1960's) can be viewed as a poignant exercise in self-aggrandizement, similar to the way he conducted himself on the Labor Day telethons where he always said things like, "What 'I' have tried to do here....". Always "I", not "We".... "My kids", not "Our kids", etc.

And for those who are too stupid to realize it (and there are many), Lewis cannot act, he cannot direct, and he certainly cannot sing. Just like any other mediocre performer, Lewis lucked into the position to do whatever he wanted to do in the entertainment industry, so he thinks he's a singer. Having fun in your little fantasy-life there, Jerry? In his lame attempt to feel superior to others, Lewis has never possessed the cognizance to understand that other people (even if they're not 'famous') are worthwhile human beings. Being famous, trying to be humorous, or owning a yacht, is not what makes the man. That comes from the inside. Being a loving person comes from an amiable heart.

Most of all, love comes from sincerity which allows a person to accept and help others. Jerry didn't get that, he just never got it. Not when he was pan-handling for nickels on those telethons, and certainly not in 'Max Rose'. The audience is only offered a character filled with syrupy vomit which Jerry was hoping would be construed as "charm", an obvious failure.

No doubt Lewis was expecting a 'deserved' Oscar for this.... deservedly, he didn't get it.
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