A lot of fan service, decent fights, story written by a seven year old boy
26 March 2017
What's to be liked: Sexy characters, most of the time pretty interesting fights with open outcome, moderately developed characters.

What's not so great: The incredibly simple story that will sometimes make you say: "No! They didn't just make that so obvious and stupid!"

What's really annoying: In the beginning they try to make any evil guy who gets killed maximum evil. Similar-to-damn-Hitler-evil. Little example: "Yes! There she is! We can still have fun with her body after we killed her!" Yap. And you will be like: "Woo, that is a little too much. I mean... out of nowhere." There will be more interesting characters on the "evil side", too. But from time to time they just drop one of those mindless evil-as-can-be-freaks. Random evil little absolute Hitlers. I just don't care for that. That is so cheap story-writing.

All in all: If you are into awesome creative weapons, nice fights and fan service: go for it. But be aware that there is nothing else worth noting.
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