Meet My Mom (2010 TV Movie)
Sweet chick flick that deeply hit home for me!
25 March 2017
I loved this story because I served in the military and I know how lonely it can be for many who haven't any family that give a darn to send their very best, so they don't send anything at all. It was like that for me, but now I realize just how badly I wanted to leave my home state and head into the service to get so far away from them that it didn't matter. It stinks to be that way, but what use and good were they to me back then? They proved the same while I was in the service, so I stayed away and rarely looked back. Now I'm back home and most of my family are the same as they were back then, go figure! You think all those years would have made a difference, but not really. But back to the movie, it hit home for me because I could relate to the service member. He found love in a very unique manner. It was a heart-felt, touching Hallmark beauty! Without going into any details, it's just one of those movies you have to see to appreciate. I've experienced love during my military career, some the best ever and some like 'what the heck was that?'. Regardless, I never had a pen-pal like the service member in this movie did. We need more of this in our world, helping find unique ways to truly pour our hearts out to those who join our military and risk their lives by going into harm's way. We could be thinking outside the box about things we can do to support those who fight for our country's freedom. It's paramount that we stand for this. Most don't understand how important it is to support our military forces. Don't take what they do lightly, as that would be taking them for granted here. Some of them truly have a passion to put an end to the resistances against us in foreign lands. These movies, touch me deeply because of the duty I gave with my service commitment. But I hope you enjoy the movie as much as my household did. Lori Loughlin is a natural. She has been in many Hallmark movies that I've loved. And Johnny Messner, what a phenomenal actor! He has the best eye contact I've ever noticed in a movie. I definitely have to see what other movies he has been in. There's a wonderful display of emotions just in his eyes.
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