Incident-free indie thriller made in Berlin
23 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
NIGHTMARE IN SUBURBIA is an indie thriller made in Germany and shot in and around Berlin. It's a very low budget feature in which little more happens than a couple of actors going out into the streets and talking about and reacting to events which are typically unseen. The camera-work is quite shoddy and there are attempts at style throughout, although they don't really amount to much come the end.

The title refers to suburbia but most of this movie seems to have been filmed in some pretty rural locations. The main actress tries to solve a mystery involving inexplicable events but this involves nothing more than creeping around a lot in a succession of tight-fitting outfits. The acting is of a basic, amateur standard and the isolated locations lead to lots of moments which try to be eerie, but in the end there's no real substance to enjoy here.
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