The whole time travel thing
21 March 2017
is growing a little tired, haven't we been here and done this already?

As so often is the case, I find myself admitting I didn't even make it through the pilot episode, so it may well be that this show is awesome, but...

I wouldn't guess that is the case given the first/pilot episode was enough to put me off exploring this any further, despite having 3 episodes to watch watching in the wings (the were deleted without viewing).

The acting was terrible, the script was about as creative as a dry dog poo on the pavement, and the humour, well I guess perhaps Americans might be amused, but as a non American I found this about as funny as the aforementioned dog poo. There were no redemption elements in this show at all, no even a cute actor to make the rest of this dogs breakfast worth viewing - alas.

What amazes me is how shows like this manage to find an audience, when poor old Katherine Heigl still struggles to make it past 3 episodes.... perhaps she should try comedy because obvious the bar is incredibly low on what continues and what doesn't.

So, if you're American or like American humour (lacks intelligence and wit), then go ahead, waste your life on this, otherwise I would suggest moving on and spending your time in a more advantageous way elsewhere - like walking the dog or watching paint dry.
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