77 Sunset Strip: Ten Cents a Death (1960)
Season 2, Episode 18
Roscoe caught in a raid
14 March 2017
In this episode we find that good old Roscoe has more than two interests in life, horses and keeping his ear to the ground for Bailey& Spencer. The story opens with Roscoe getting caught in a raid where Louis Quinn may or may not have something going with the cashier Bea Benadaret who sells tickets at the dime a dance parlor where the raid took place.

After such raids a girl disappears and now a third one has. Benadaret wants to hire Efrem Zimbalist as she's not happy with the progress of the LAPD so far. That's always kind of tricky, but in this show Bailey&Spencer have a good relationship with the cops in the person of Byron Keith.

This all involves owner Anthony George who did a stretch for robbery, but never revealed where he buried the loot to either the cops or the man who commissioned the robbery. George got all his instructions by phone.

In the end the mystery is solved. The perpetrator is someone that had been considered innocuous. It was all a scheme to get George to cough up the dough.

George couldn't and for a very good reason why. You'll never believe where the loot was stashed.
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