Review of Logan

Logan (2017)
13 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Logan is a great movie and could possibly be named Marvel's greatest. It does numerous things with a great amount of precision and perfection such as action, character development and emotional connection. It also has a few minor problem which I noticed.

Action: Wolverine is known for his rage and healing factor, leaving him pretty much immune from attacks by anyone. This calls for great action, as Logan sprints through the battlefield he slices and dices his enemies like ham on a chopping board. In the split seconds you see Wolverines enemies you see blood and guts spill from there limp bodies, with such realistic effects it is hard to see why this movie isn't a 10/10.

Character Development: At the start of the movie Logan is portrayed as a arrogant drunk who is stubborn beyond belief and doesn't care about other people. He doesn't care about Professor X or Laura. By the end of the movie he weeps for Professor X and realizes that Laura and the kids are more important than he thinks, and ultimately risks his life for them, one of the last scenes shows Logan saying "This is what it feels like," referring back to when Professor X said something along the lines of "This is the closest to family we have had in a long time." This shows that he actually cares for X-23, realizing that she is the closest to family he has.

Emotional Connection: In this movie you gain an emotional connection with the characters, you feel their pain, and gain a sense of empathy when professor Xavier, Caliban and Logan die.

Problem: I only have one problem with this movie. In the scene when Logan dies and the actor of X-23 was crying, you could tell it was fake but this is understandable as she is a child actor.
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