The Warriors (2005 Video Game)
The best of two worlds
12 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
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Based on a '70s action flick that set new standards for 'artistic violence,' a street gang battles its way across NYC in an attempt to reach its home turf. Player issues several commands to his gang, including 'mayhem,' which causes the gang to smash everything in sight."

The Movie from 1997 circuits around the street gang called The Warriors, who escapes through New York after have become incorrectly accused to have shot Gramercy Riffs charismatics Cyrus during a meeting. The game itself take place at a large extent before that meeting, but also during the events that happens in the movie.In this way, it succeeds to allocate background history, something that the film never correct do, and due to this you might just have to play the game and watch the movie to fully understand the plot.

The game aspects are constituted of punches-up, miss hand electrical, holds-up, vandalism and still more street fights, it sow divides itself not worth mentioning from Rockstars earlier titles.

The Warriors still feels different then any other games from Rockstar. The fights don't really feels repetitive, a lot due to the interactive environment that can be used on an amount different ways, and everything to be framed in nice with short side commissions and well written sequences.

It has succeeded imitate the film very good both in graphics - and sounds.New York city looks dirty and vandalized and even has some of the movies soundtrack and including some off the original actors. This along with the well written manuscript,I must say that The Warriors is one by far the best licensed games that's have succeeded to catch the atmosphere from its original outcome.

However, The Warriors is without hesitation an one off it times'greatest games based on a movie. It expands the original plot and makes you want to watch the movie.
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