John and Mary (1969)
Delicate Balance
8 March 2017
We have become a bit jaded with our access to movies these days. There was a time when I would get home from work really late and just turn on the late show. It didn't matter if I had heard of the movie being shown. I started watching this at 11:00 p.m. and knew I had to get up early. But I was hooked. I had seen Hoffman in "The Graduate" and was intrigued by Mia Farrow. This is such a gentle story, a slice of life. It was so real the way they acted on impulse and then began questioning their judgment. What is really interesting is that there was never anything sleazy or smug about the presentation. The actors are superb and handled it delicately, exposing fears and fragility. Take a chance and get this from Amazon or Netflix. You won't be sorry.
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