Engaging thriller with some good action. Ben Affleck's best performance.
6 March 2017
When it released in theatre i dismissed it thinking it might be a dull movie on an accountant.

Saw this recently (March 2017) on a dvd which i own.

I was expecting another Bourne rip off or shaky cam stuff but this one turned out to be an excellent thriller.

Revisited it again (March 2022) on Amazon Prime but this time with my family.

Affleck did a superb job n he adopted the traits, behaviors and symptoms of autism very well.

There is sufficient character development n the story has good amount of twists n turns.

There is ample amount of action, both gun firing n hand to hand combat.

The headshots r brutal, the body count is high n the movie ended well leaving room for a much needed sequel.

Thankfully it is not shot in hand held camera a la Jason Bourne n Taken style jus to make it appear fast paced.

The movie is engaging n entertaining.

Suspense n tension is maintained throughout.

Director O'Connor succeeded in normalising autism and showing that behavioural conditions should not get in the way of anyone's life.

The song To Leave Something Behind by Sean Rowe is haunting n mesmerizing.
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