Little Big Shots (2016–2020)
Entertaining show for the entire family!!!
6 March 2017
Now in its second season, 'Little Big Shots' is a wonderful variety show the entire family can enjoy. Hosted by the hilarious and incredibly charming Steve Harvey, he presents children from all over the world who possess amazing talents ~ everything from singing, to preaching, to knowing EVERY fact about an American President.

Frequently having children on the program from other parts of the world ~ like China, Japan, and Germany, the show provides an interpreter so the kids will be able to communicate with Harvey and the studio audience. I will admit, however, that sometimes I use my 'closed caption' feature when these young folks are just speaking English, as those little voices might be hard to decipher!

If you're old enough to remember, this show is reminiscent of Art Linkletter's 'Kids Say the Darndest Things', or that same show reprised in the mid 90's by Bill Cosby. But how refreshing to have a wholesome family show that the entire family can watch without reservation ~ which explains why it debuted as the #1 show last season.

Simply said, the kids are all incredibly talented ~ but it's Harvey's interaction with them that makes this show so entertaining every week!!!
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