Quite a surprise...I really enjoyed this one.
5 March 2017
The Vitaphone shorts were originally intended to be experimental and tested out the new Warner Brothers sound system before they ultimately released "The Jazz Singer". Following the release of the film, they continued to make Vitaphone films...even after sound became the norm. So, it's very fitting that Vitaphone also tested out a new innovation in their shorts as well-- Three Color Technicolor. While there were earlier color systems (such as Cinecolor and Two Color Technicolor), they weren't true color but were made with a more primitive system where a blue-green and an orange-red strip overlapped the black and white strip. The colors, not surprisingly, tended to look very orange and green! With three strip, three different color strips overlapped the black & white strip...and resulted in vivid color. The only problems were that the films needed A LOT of lighting to make the picture look good and not too dark. And, the colors in the earlier versions of this system tended to look very over-saturated--with colors so intense it almost looked better than real life!

In this Vitaphone short, Warren Hymer plays a sailor who washed up on some Polynesian island. He instantly falls in love with the island princess, which is a serious problem since she's already been promised as a sacrifice to the Volcano god! But Warren is determined and by the end of the picture, he's pretty sure he's finally gotten the girl. What did he REALLY get? Watch the picture!

This is a pleasant little picture but unlike most of the other color shorts, the emphasis is on story...not the singing and dancing. Mind you, there is some of that but the real emphasis here is on the comedy...and with a lovely joke at the end of the movie. Well worth seeing.
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