A poorly made movie and 1 hour and 26 minutes of my life that I'll never get back...
4 March 2017
So, where should I begin. This "comedy" was one of the worst movies I've seen. I usually enjoy Swedish comedies, and this movie looked promising with many funny Swedish actors and the director Kjell Sundvall who has both "Tomten är far till alla barnen" and "Jägarna" on his resume. This movie also seemed like Kjell Sundvall was trying to make a new "Tomten är far till alla barnen" with many of the same actors from that movie, Dan Ekborg basically playing the same booze drinking character once again and last but not least the same kind of disputes. This movie fails in so many ways because it's so poorly written and it feels like they just made everything in a hurry. Terrible dialogues, terrible acting, terrible jokes, terrible camera work, terrible story and almost no character development at all. Some of the characters are just copies of previous characters from Kjell Sundvall's earlier project. Dan Ekborg as I mentioned, but also the character Fredrik who is played by Johan Ulvesson. Johan Ulvesson basically plays his character from the show "C/O Segemyhr" who's name is also Fredrik which just makes it all even more embarrassing. This movie made me cringe more than it made me laugh just because it's so poorly made, from the beginning to the end. The only reason why I gave it a 2/10 instead of 1/10 is because of the ensemble cast and because of the few laughs that I actually got from the movie.
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