The Break-In (2016)
Another found-footage mumblecore thriller
3 March 2017
If that triple combination, which seems to be so common nowadays (movies such as Creep, They Look Like People, The Good Neighbor), makes you tingly, you will probably enjoy this. But if you're not the biggest fan of either found-footage or mumblecore, which I admit I'm not, then this might fall a bit flat. The 10/10 reviews are friends of the filmmakers. It's way too obvious—not sure who you think you're fooling with a 10-star review that is your only review on IMDb. I think the 1- and 2-star reviews are a bit harsh, though.

I was moderately entertained until the last ten minutes of the film, which really soured me on it. Let me run through the pros and cons.

Pros: The basic set-up is simple, but intriguing enough to hold promise: an engaged couple, Jeff (Doescher) and Melissa (Binkley), who are expecting a baby, and prone to anxiety, start freaking out when they hear of others in the neighborhood being burglarized. Jeff gets a new phone and gets obsessed with recording everything on it, especially when he notices anything suspicious. Although they come off as a bit smarmy and bougie at first, the dynamic between Jeff and Melissa is good, and as the tension between them and the impending threat of a home invasion ratchet up, I felt myself on edge waiting for them to confront the danger, as you know they eventually will. Not much happens, as it is mostly dialogue, and thankfully I found the writing and delivery fairly engaging and convincing for this mumblecore style. One of the characteristics of mumblecore is naturalistic and sometimes improvised dialogue taking precedence over action; this dialogue is often contrived and is as likely to take me out of the film as immerse me in it. Dialogue that is trying desperately to be "natural" or "quirky" just sounds so obviously forced that it really isn't "realistic" (and I am bothered by the whole notion of films having to be "realistic" anyway). I'm not sure why I found the dialogue in The Break-In better, other than it felt, for the most part, like the way people would talk to each other, with a believable inflection and affect that was neither flat nor too over-the-top "actor-y."

Cons: First, the title is boring and isn't going to pull many people in, unless you're a sucker for home invasion fare, which this film only halfway is.

Next, while I enjoyed the dynamic between Jeff and Melissa, the friendship between the neighbors felt forced; they talked too much about how they loved being friends with and living next door to them. And the neighbors just aren't as good actors, though you don't really get to see them do too much.

Third, if you're going to do found footage, don't add outside music into the film. It always makes me stop and think, "This shouldn't be here." It's sparse, only used during the creepy night scenes when Jeff thinks someone is trying to break in, but at the end, there's a particularly egregious use of poppy music that's supposed to tug at your heart strings, which is baldly manipulative. Finally, most importantly, the last ten minutes is a mess, for several reasons that I won't go into because of spoilers. I'll just say that one problem is that it violates the found footage premise in more than just sound—we get an image that we later find isn't "real." This feels like a cheap move to trick the viewer. Then the "twist" ending, whether you see it coming or not, again feels too manipulative and not really earned.

One last note: although "horror" is the first genre tag, I don't consider this horror very much. There is an atmosphere of anxiety, which I associate with thriller, rather than a sense of dread, which I associate with horror. Still, that line is blurry, and mumblecore is pushing hard on that boundary. If you like movies such as Creep and They Look Like People, you might enjoy this, but if not, you might avoid it. For me, I'm split down the middle; it's good for a single watch if there's nothing better. Streaming free with Amazon Prime. 5/10
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