Fist Fight (2017)
I'd Rather Take a Fist to the Face Than Ever Watch This Again
28 February 2017
Fist Fight is a movie that I really did want to find some sort of enjoyment in. I'm a pretty big fan of Charlie Day and really would like to see him get some bigger roles outside of It's Always Sunny. Yet, there is no denying that Fist Fight is not only a new low for, but also one of the worst studio comedies to ever be released.

The biggest problem with the film itself is buying the premise itself. I understand that this is suppose to be a goofy comedy not meant to be taken too seriously, but there is only so far one can go out into the realm of disbelief before it becomes so implausible it brings us back into reality. Nothing in this film feels authentic or makes sense at all and only as a way for the writers to be able to advance an already stupid plot forward. Not since Identity Thief have I seen a film that bends and disregards so many rules of reality just to advance the story. if the laziness of the plot wasn't annoying enough, every character in the film is extremely unlikable and annoying to the point they feel like complete cartoons.

The other big problem with the film is that it is painfully unfunny. Even in the worst of comedies I can at least find one or two jokes that made me laugh, but I didn't even crack a smile at all during Fist Fight. It's very clear that the actual script for the film itself didn't contain many jokes and that the director/writers are relying on the actors to improvise most of the jokes to fill up the runtime. This results in almost every joke relying on forced profanity and sex gags. It thinks it's being edgy, but the jokes are so weak and tired it just comes off as desperate. Charlie Day is trying his best here, but with nothing to work with he constantly resorts to doing the fast-talking and freaking out shtick that he does in every other show and movie he's in to excess. Ice Cube phones it in playing the exact same role he does in the Jump Street movie (except much less funny) and Jillian Bell plays the stereotypical annoying woman character who constantly says lewd things for a cheap laugh. Even worse is to see Tracy Morgan first big role in a film since his accident gives him absolutely nothing to work with. If there is anything redeeming about Fist Fight at all, the actual fight during the climax is actually much better than one would expect given the rest of the films quality leading up to it, but it's not worth sitting through the rest of the film just to reach those 5 minutes.

Fist Fight marks a new low for major studio comedies in which the rules of reality or thrown out the window only so a plot that makes no sense can exist and decent writing is replaced in favor of improvising whatever swear word or sexual noun can be thought of on the spot. It's excruciating to sit through and a complete embarrassing for everyone involved. It's only 2 months into the year, but Fist Fight is a strong contender for one of if not, the worst movie of 2017.
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