Dark Mountain (2013)
Decent Foundfootage
28 February 2017
I have been obsessed with found footage movies for a while now and will generally watch what I can find regardless of others reviews and opinions. With that being said, I though this was a good and solid movie although I wish the directors did more with the ending. There was a lot of buildup and then POOF. Nothing. Sure, this makes sense for the genre of the movie BUT let's be a bit more creative, yeah? Add a little something maybe? Don't leave us viewers going "that's it"? This usually leads to lower ratings and disappointed faces.

Just to caution viewers before they dive into this film, be aware that the footage is not necessarily the best quality. This is not to say it's bad because that's not the case either, it's just not up to par with the newer footage movies.

Overall, I would recommend this movie to those who enjoy the genre. Even if you don't like it, it is a movie to add to your "seen" list.
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