"We'll make fun of the movie if you don't mind"
25 February 2017
I'm surprised that this is one of the lowest rated episodes. I really was impressed by how the show had gotten better at this point. It's still not great, but is definitely good. The best part is probably when they're out of the theater and Crow and Tom Servo ask about how Joel was able to survive in space. He talks about none other than the show's own theme song about we should just relax and not care about those things. I don't think I've ever seen a reference from them like that. I really did miss Tom Servo in the theater throughout half the movie. I'm just more used to riffing from both of them.

I think my favorite line from them was when the movie said, "Normally yes", followed by, "But they're drunk". I also really liked "More like a T and A film" which follows up with, "Terrible and awful?". I also liked it when the movie said, "What's to keep me from going to the law and telling them about your little organization?" which is simply responded with "The script". I really did notice how it wasn't as funny without Tom. I guess Crow's probably funnier. ***
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