Deep Gold (2011)
Worst piece of excrement ever made
22 February 2017
This is without a doubt the single worst movie I have ever seen and been part of. I worked for the short-man-syndrome extraordinaire, Mickmeister (as he likes to call himself).

He loves himself so much that he puts himself into his own "art" that he funds on his own (because he has too much money and no one wants their own names connected to him so they will never fund his "work"). He is the reason this whole movie is so exceptionally awful! Don't believe me? Look at this:

I mean honestly, how big can your ego be?

Anyway, back to the movie. What a load of hogwash! EVERY other review on this site that has more than a 1-Star rating is obviously fake. I would rather watch my pet decompose before watching this again.
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