Sin & Redemption (1994 TV Movie)
When you take something precious from someone else, God might just take away something as precious from you!
20 February 2017
Billie McDaniel is a "good" girl, who gets raped and gets pregnant. Her hypocritical dad(or who sins once in a very critical spot) accuses her of going against God's ways just like her ne'er do well older sister! He compels her--out of caring for her and shame of how the community and church will look at him now--to give the baby up. She is the loving type who would never do such a thing, but she respects her dad so much that she heads in that direction and gets a couple of fortuitous bounces that stops her just in the nick of time! Jim, the man who raped her--unbeknownst to her, steps in to marry her and raise who he knows is his daughter. Life goes on from bliss to the state of worrying Jim and (THE OBJECT OF HIS LUSTFUL OBSESSION) fertile Billie until his daughter needs a kidney donor...All I'll say is that God sometimes takes the scenic route to deliver His vengeance! A movie that could very well happen just as the movie: A good girl who honors her parents, a churchgoing or minister dad who has had one daughter go in a sinful direction blames the younger daughter of doing the same based on how things look(looks to him like her sister has rubbed off on her), the good girl gets raped in a way that she doesn't see him, and he wanted her then and wants her now(his part is also believable, because it's my belief that a rapist can love. A criminal can love--if only for periods of time or when not drunk. Some rapists or killers have lived lives of love and go out and take whatever frustrations they have out on others! Then again, there are some men and women who abuse their families and then treat most others with love!)

Not much wrong with this movie except Jim is a little too forthcoming when talking to Billie at the end. Can you say too much information? Anybody that has seen this movie knows what I'm talking about. He says a little(all that he really has to say) and she's fine with that, but he goes all explicit as if in English or Oral Communication class and messes up BIG TIME!
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