Big Little Lies: Somebody's Dead (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Pulls You In, A Fun Watch
20 February 2017
"Big Little Lies", Episode 1, was a fun watch and left me wanting more. The chemistry between the actors is good and we're pulled into the characters' different backgrounds and learn each has different challenges in their private lives. The location, Monterey, adds to the ambiance of the plot, much the way Bodega Bay enhanced Hitchcock's "The Birds". It's hard not to be swept into the mood of mystery and suspense when we see tumultuous waves and dramatic vistas and windswept cypress. Great music selection, too. The dialogue keeps the momentum going. Based on this episode I think this series will be a winner. It's the kind of episode where you grab a glass of Pinot Noir and a blanket and re-watch it because you're going to catch something you missed the first time you watched it. I like that it challenges me in a "film noir" kind of way. I'm looking forward to the next episode!
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