King Rat (1965)
Mediocre at best.
19 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure whether it's because it really should have been filmed in the tropics, or that Grey, the provost, is played by the wrong actor, or that most of the actors are too old, that this film just doesn't seem to work.

Grey need a far more imposing actor, someone with more charisma and authority. Someone who would be feared and respected by the other POWs. Instead, because of the actor mismatch, Grey's character seems quite weak.

A lot of the POWs appear to be over forty or older. Maybe they couldn't get thinner, younger actors?

The guards lack the menace that films such as The Bridge on the River Kwai portray.

Being filmed in black and white just adds more to the negatives (pardon the pun) of this film.

It would probably have made a good stage play, but this screen version, along with the musical soundtrack, could not hold my interest.
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