Horrible Treatment
19 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode shows how successful women were treated just a few years ago. Marcia Clark was a top attorney, taking on one of the biggest cases of the century. She plotted strategy, kept the pressure on the defense, and was prepared each day. So what's in the news. They don't like her hair. They have people phone in to say if she is a babe or a bitch. Her ex husband brings action to get custody of her children. One paper finds a nude photo that her first husband took and publishes it. Johnny Cochran makes a snide comment about her in the courtroom because her children came first when Ito asked them to convene in the evening. Darden really helps get her through. We can see some things going on between them (not sexual; just a closeness and friendship). This shows the kind of ugliness in our country that is still here in 2017. Marcia Clark, though she lost the case, is my new hero.
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