Third Man Out (2005 TV Movie)
Thoroughly Surprised...
16 February 2017 all the positive reviews here, but absolutely NOT by the caliber of this film. How this gay detective "made for TV" film ever came into existence is the REAL mystery here. Chad Allen as the lead is probably the best actor in this piece, which frankly says a lot. But unless you are a die-hard fan, he's not really strong enough to carry-off the lead in any film. The "made for TV" feel (i.e. sappy/up-beat background music, boxy cinematography and overall pace) seems odd and out of place with full-frontal nudity (think "Murder She Wrote" meets gay porn). The rest of the acting range goes from TV-bad to porn-bad...which is VERY bad. Overall, the high production values (once again, think "Murder She Wrote") and overall polish make it palatable for someone who is into gay-themed movies and wants to kill some time with a little brain-candy.
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