The Demons (2015)
A disturbing and erotic look at childhood sexuality
16 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Not a great deal happens, (unless you count child abuse and suicide), in this languid tale of childhood and adolescent sexuality yet there is something deeply disturbing and unpleasantly erotic in the way first-time feature director Philippe Lesage handles the material. The central character is Felix, a young boy trying to come to terms with his own sexual feelings and his unrequited 'love' for the much older Rebecca. As he does so he finds sex of one kind or another all around him.

It is a difficult role and Edouard Tremblay-Grenier plays him beautifully. Apart from a teacher and a couple of parents adults are mostly absent and Lesage draws very fine performances from his young cast and shoots it superbly. often in long takes and on wide screen. Ultimately this isn't just a work of great promise but a highly sensitive and intelligent look at adolescence.
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