Persuasion (1995 TV Movie)
Good acting; great leads...slightly substandard costume/makeup of Amanda Root
10 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The 2 leads are fine and the story is reasonably representative of this fine novel. That gets my good score...downgraded only because of my production/wardrobe/makeup related comments...below.

Amanda Root's "Anne" starts out looking like the Poor Relation. She shows stringy hair, a dull complexion, dreary clothing colors...and looks 35 in the beginning...LOOKS like the poor spinster cousin who sits in the corner while older sister ( nicer clothing and with better done hair) scorns her.

Yes I KNOW the character undergoes a small transformation for the better as she comes to realize Capt. Wentworth still cares...but the beginning is too unbelievably old...and the initial light blue day dress looks more like a maid's pleasant day dress than a well-off single woman's day dress.

Yes I KNOW the character Anne is in a funk after a close family friend talked her into sending away then-poor fiancé' Wentworth 8 years ago.

But, since she's cast "against" two young actresses (playing the 2 Musgrove sisters and obviously much younger), she looks like the maiden aunt till about near the movie's end.

So while I am happy to see a man who is not shallow -- only looking for a 20 year old to's hard to believe Wentworth passes over the much younger looking Musgrove sisters for the middle aged-looking Anne.

I was SURPRISED to see Amanda Root in another film where she looked so much better...The film was from the mid 2000s where Root was actually 10 years older than in this film. She looked moderately pretty and actually younger than the beginning 'Anne'.

But the movie is worth seeing...and I know not everyone will care about my fussy concern for better costuming of the daughter of Sir Eliot.
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