The Flash: Untouchable (2017)
Season 3, Episode 12
Working Together
8 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What I'm particularly liking this second half of the season is the theme of death that they continue to have in every episode. Ever since the mid-season premiere Iris's death and their mission to stop that from happening has been pretty good.

This week's villain had the very touch of death and that made him a tricky adversary to defeat. Clive Yorkin, who actually never got a villain nickname, went after the cops that locked him away in the Flashpoint timeline. Joe became the third person to get attacked by Yorkin because he was one of those cops and this led to Iris becoming a target later on in the episode. I really like how it took the whole team to defeat Yorkin. Julian and Caitlin found out who the meta was, Cisco and HR figured out that they could vibe Flashpoint, Barry saved the train and Wally learned to phase and thus stopped Yorkin. The fact that Barry made the train and all the passengers phase was awesome. Phasing should be used more often. All I'm left wondering is how they defeated Yorkin in the Flashpoint timeline. Didn't he have his powers in that timeline?

The race at the start of the episode was great, set up the training of Wally learning how to phase through objects. Barry still being able to show that he's the more cunning speedster. While it's probably not going to be helpful in saving Iris I do think next power on the list should be to throw lightning. Barry learned that power in very short time but we don't know if Wally has any limits to what powers he can achieve or if he will get a power that Barry isn't capable of. It would make their team ups more interesting if they were good at different things with their powers. There is something that I've come to believe though, Wally getting faster might be because Savitar wants to use Wally as a host and that is why he's been able to get so fast in such short time. There has to be some reason because why else would Alchemy(=Savitar) have given him powers. I'm afraid Barry is doing exactly what Savitar wants by training Wally to get faster.

Evidently Flashpoint hasn't been totally forgotten and according to Julian there is still another meta out there created by Alchemy. I wonder who that might be and if it could be Caitlin but she has no memory of it.

At the end of the episode a distressed Jesse Quick appears telling Wally that Harry has been captured and taken to Gorilla City by Grodd. We might be having the best episode of the season coming in just two weeks!

All in all I think this episode did great by having all of Team Flash be part of defeating the villain and the continuous use of death as a theme for the second half of the season is working out pretty effectively.
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