More stars than there are in heaven....
5 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This 19-minute short, made for medical charity purposes with the co-operation of a cigarette company (!), can also function as a trivia quiz to determine just big a movie buff you are. Do you recognize Laurel & Hardy and Buster Keaton? You're still a beginner. How about Wheeler & Woolsey or Loretta Young? You're moving on to the advanced class. Any luck with Wallace Beery, Stuart Erwin or Winnie Lightner (who has a sexy shower scene)? Congratulations, you have a diploma! To be honest, the film is not especially funny, and some of the stars (at least in this version currently in circulation) just appear for a few seconds and don't do much, but it's fascinating anyway, and a collector's item for sure. **1/2 out of 4.
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