Stealing Cars (2015)
OK Movie, but could have been better
5 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
--- The movie is well worth watching. I am simply explaining what bothered me and how it could have been made better in my opinion. --- I like continuity in movies and also a sense of closure. Nothing makes me lose feeling for a movie, that makes me loose that feeling of the suspension of reality that I need than a lack of closure and that is where I think this movie lost points in my opinion. Even so it was still a good 6/10, but it could have been a 7. --- They spend a good deal of time developing certain characters in the movie, the weak but sensitive boy, the strong and silent "Poeta" boy, and to a lesser degree the leaders of the white gang and the leader of the black gang. However the movie spins off to the ending and never gives us any closure on what happens to these characters. Even with Billy we only sort of get a idea of his over coming his issues as he steals yet another car and rushes a friend to the hospital. But that's it, exit stage right? I want to know what happened to the weak kid that was dropped at the hospital and the "Poeta". Time was spent building their characters just to drop them suddenly. Not an efficient use of screen time in my opinion. In the end we see what appears to be a prison riot kick off, the most violent guard turn into a cream puff and the weak kid dropped at a hospital, but that's it. The movie ends and we never hear if the weak kid lived or the riot was quelled, or the violent guard and the "warden" get what should be coming to them.
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