Abattoir (2016)
The positive reviews make as much sense as this train wreck of a movie
3 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Stylistically, it's all over the place. The female lead is the from the 50's? The male cop who was her boyfriend/fling, still is, who ever cares? There's literally no reason why they should even be in the same universe together. Their acting is one 2-hour class above The Room, and sounds more like someone learning English via a script than it does anything else. The premise is interesting. Someone is buying houses where murders happened, taking out the rooms for some reason, and... you leave the theater knowing that much. The woman's sister is killed by someone (who? some guy). She returns to the scene of the crime (why? no reason)to find out the room is gone. So, she does the next logical thing and finds a bunch of homes where murders happened, and goes to find out if there rooms were stolen too! Shocking to no one, they have been. So, she heads home (why? who cares)to a small town the town folk have been convinced into following a man who has apparently died before and been to hell (why? who knows), has seen many bad things (what thing? who knows), and he wants the town members to help him building this Frankenstein of a haunted house. Why a house? Not explained. Why do the people help him? Also, not really explained. In the end she kills her boyfriend/fling/whatever for pretty much no reason, and then she also dies for pretty much no reason. The bad guy is told to return to his family, who is supposedly in hell for an unknown reason, and he walks down the stairs... presumably to where hell is. That's it. Just be happy you only wasted the time necessary to read this.
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