Watching in 2017, he's a real loser son/chef wannabe
2 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe this show was good in 2009, but watching this in 2017 is a waste of time. It's not even worth my time to write a long review, but 20 mins in, I stopped watching. The 'star' is a loser chef who can't cook his own cuisine to save his life. His dad is a loser restaurant owner who hired shitfaced 'chefs' to run his kitchen. Apparently their saviour is a superstar Indian chef who has to drive a taxi for a living because life sucks like that.

By today's standards, if he was a great chef, he wouldn't stand for his own father's restaurant being the dirty run-down place it was. The employees were stubborn and defiant - he should've fired them but no, he - a chef, mind you - was so scared when his dad's crap chef quit that he had to order Indian food from another Indian restaurant to serve his customers who were already waiting probably 10 mins in the restaurant. Seriously?

I get it, 2009 was a very different world. This movie just isn't watchable in post-internet startupland 2017.
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