Review of The Halcyon

The Halcyon (2017)
There are some good points..
1 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Reading the other reviews I find they are a bit harsh, but not completely without merit.

The sets are gorgeous, as is the costuming. I like most of the female characters, they feel less forced and and more nuanced and the 3 female leads: Hermione Corfield, Olivia Williams and Kara Tointon are all to my male eye, easy to watch and credible in their performances.

I have seen some suggestions online comparing Hermoine Corfield to Scarlett Johansson, but Hermoine is much prettier and more attractive physically. I think she is also a better actress in respect of dramatic contexts.

I will also add that I have since seen Kara Tointon inteviewed, and she self-deprecatingly refers to herself as a shower singer, but this is not true, as evidenced by her recent role in the Sound of Music. She has a wonderful voice and fine tonal quality and range. She will be able to do as much theater as she desires in the future. She plays the "minx" role in this show, and she has the figure and the attitude to carry it off with aplumb, and her vocal abilities are the icing on the cake.

As the episodes have progressed, some of the male characters have improved -> Steven Mackintosh is particularly strong, but the complaint that clichés abound in the writing particularly in respect of the male characterizations is regretfully quite true. It makes for some real plodding moments as a result.

Unfortunately, in episode #5 the clichés only got worse as the inevitable gay plot lines to appeal to every fringe audience were introduced as well. It is out of place for the show and just not of any interest to me whatsoever - dull and boring. It was unnecessary and detracts from the show.

Likely that was the final straw and I shall drop my viewership of the show. Its to bad as The Halcyon had potential, but I am honestly not interested in such indoctrination, it was the final straw in a mixed bag of writing, and so I shall have to pass.
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