The Shield: Baptism by Fire (2007)
Season 6, Episode 2
Terrific season for a terrific series
31 January 2017
I will never say it enough, again and again, this season astonished me. Every character is at his peak, every line is sharp as a razor blade, at each episode you have a surprise, something that you will had never had in a film, a big screen movie, because the audiences are not the same. In season Four, Glenn Close brought an outstanding stone to this awesome SHIELD mansion, but here, Forest Whitacker does exactly the same, even more, in another kind of character. And what character. I know that no one loves him, the other characters and the audiences. Of course, he is obsessive, maybe a little lunatic, but after all, as Whitacker says himself in an interview, he is the true authentic ONLY clean cop - nearly actually - of the all bunch. He ONLY tries to nail borderline and a bit rotten cops such as Mackey, Lem, and the others, cops who don't hesitate to be friends with gangs, who make false testimonies, kills other cops ( in the first episode end), behave like hoodlums and so on, cops who however attract sympathy from the audiences. is not that ironic? Just for this, I LOVE this series. The best ever for me.
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