Trackdown: The End of the World (1958)
Season 1, Episode 30
The Art of the Steal
28 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Strange to say the least "Trackdown" episode involving this snake oil or magical umbrella salesman Walter Trump,Lawrence Dobkin, who convinces the people of the town of Kappa Texas that the end of their world will come at exactly at midnight November 14, 1887 unless they buy his umbrella's that contain this element to repel the asteroid shower of deadly Magnaium that's to strike the town that evening. Taking advantage of the townspeople's fear of doom Trump also claims that he would create a wall-"A Beautiful Wall"-made of magical umbrella's that would keep the town of Kappa and it's population safe but at the cost of $75.00 for each umbrella per customer.

It's Texas Ranger Hoby Gilman,Robert Culp, who sees Trump for what he really is a con artist and tries to talk the people in not to go along with his crazy prediction only to be sabotaged by the town sheriff Chet Farrow,Dobbs Greer,who's secretly working with Trump! And is planning to split the loot, some $2,500.00, with him after the con job-as well as Trump skipping town- is over. Not knowing that Trump is playing him for a fool like he is together with the gullible people of Kappa.

***SPOILERS*** It's when Gilman was about to expose Trump to the people of Kappa as the con artist that he is that Farrow whom Trump was to split his ill gotten loot with realized that he's been had or conned by Trump and turned on him. With Trump now out of the way Farrow tried to make a deal with Gilman to split the loot among themselves only to have the honest and law abiding Gilman turn him over to the local Texas Ranger and state justice department to stand trial for his actions.

P.S Made years before anyone ever heard of "The Donald"-Now Preasident Donald J. Trump-this long forgotten episode of "Trackdown" has by now achieve cult or "Twilight Zone" status in bringing the surname of "Trump" to the attention to the public, as well as the "Beautiful Wall" that he's now pushing,years before he or the media ever made him world famous. Mind boggling plot with the fictional not real life Mr. Trump out to put one over on the public in conning them into building his "Beautiful Wall" made up not with bricks or mortar but hundreds of $75.00 each "Mary Popopins" like magical umbrella's to save the town from utter destruction! Who in the end is double-crossed by his partners-A fictional Valdimar Putin or Vice-Prsident Mike Pence-whom he was about to leave high & dry by checking out of town with their share of the loot!
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