History Finally told and an Injustice Corrected
25 January 2017
This is based upon a true story

In 1945 the USS Indianapolis was on a secret mission to deliver the Atomic Bomb to Tinian Air Base in the Philippines. The ship was to go and return without escorts (to handle enemy subs). The USS Indianapolis was sunk on the return and the crew was in the water for 5-days without food, water and with hungry sharks all around before they were rescued. There is a court-martial afterwards. (Whaaaaat?)

Most of the movie shows the crew of the USS Indianapolis in the water waiting to be rescued and trying to stay away from the sharks and that was not all that easy. The CGI and camera work were spectacular and we found ourselves jumping more than once when sharks attacked. We see red in the water but there is nothing gory seen. (And that was a good thing)

There was too much screen time of the men in the water and let's face it there was too much repetition with these scenes. We could have seen more story in the courtroom later on.

I was surprised at the amount of water in those rafts and there was no effort to bail that water out. Maybe those rafts were built like that. Who knows? There were a couple mini sub-plots: two sailors in love with the same girl and two sailors fighting each other on land and need to learn to survive in the raft. But did we care about any of this? Of course not. There was no real character development as the emphasis was on the crew stranded in the water and later the court-martial.

Notables: Tom Sizemore as Petty Officer McWhorter; Currie Graham as Capt Ryan a lawyer at the court-martial; and Yutaka Takeuchi as the Japanese Commander Hashimoto who sunk the USS Indianapolis and he gave the best performance.

The acting was okay, sparse but okay and it got better at the court- martial (Whaaaaat?) To be honest I was completely surprised there even was a court-martial. The Nicolas Cage Impersonators didn't really have much to go on in here as Mr. Cage played it too straight. (As he should have)

The ending is very surprising and it may even make you angry. Watch the statements at the end to see what happened to some of the survivors and how an injustice was corrected. (7/10)

Violence: Yes.

Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: Small stuff only and not much of it.
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