Interesting, but I don't like the Tony Hawk bashing
23 January 2017
I am not sure why they portray Tony Hawk to be an asshole. The attitude of Tony Hawk in this documentary is not the attitude of an asshole. I think Ben and Tas behaved like assholes at least early in the documentary. I get it that Tony Hawk was boring and sucked up to the money, but the way they behaved, why should they be given a lot of chances? I felt for Tas when Tony Hawk did the 900 that Tas had been rehearsing. Too bad, but it would not have happened if they had been behaving. If they wanted their company to succeed in the first place, they should have done other things than snorting coke all the time. I get it that the makers of the documentary probably thought that they had to make Tony Hawk a bad guy to make the documentary more interesting. But I don't agree. OK, now that I go that off my chest, I respect how honest the documentary is. The brothers are very troubled and it is easier to relate to this than Tony Hawks polished persona. Show me a person who has no demons, and I will show you someone who can not relate to this documentary. The last minutes of the documentary are really great, watching Tas work out in jail, he is in very good shape! Then it was touching to see the love he has for his family, and that there are still women who will stick by a man no matter what he has done, because she believes in him! Tas is a great father it seems, and can you imagine how much his child is loving it to be sitting on his shoulders while he skates down that street in the final moments of the documentary?
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